Everyone was meant to share God's all-abiding love and care; He saw that we would need to know a way to let these feelings show.... So God made hugs. - Jill Wolf
Friendship is like love at its best: not blind but sympathetically all-seeing; a support which does not wait for understanding; an act of faith which does not need, but always has, reason. - Louis Untermeyer
A friend is there when everyone else isn't, believing when everyone else hasn't, understanding when everyone else doesn't, loving when everyone else wasn't.
Thank you, God in heaven, for friends. When morning wakes, when daytime ends, I have the consciousness of loving hands that touch my own, of tender glance and gentle tone. - Margaret Sangster
How precious it is, Lord, to realize that you are thinking about me constantly! I can't even count how many times a day your thoughts turn towards me. -Psalm 139:17 TLB
The best friendships have weathered misunderstandings and trying times. One of the secrets of a good relationship is the ability to accept the storms. -Alan Loy McGinnis
We cannot tell the precise moment when a friendship starts.... It is like filling a vessel drop-by-drop which makes it at last run over; so a series of kindnesses...make the heart run over. - James Boswell
Life's short and we never have enough time for the hearts of those who travel the way with us. O, be swift to love! Make haste to be kind. - Henri Frederic Amiel
There is just so much to say! Well I will start out by saying...I am currently working at Taco John's. I am also involved in Church activities and working with the Children's activities. I love to work with children and they enjoy having me around. I hope that you enjoy my blog.